Juan Velez

I am excited to introduce you to ptEnhance. 

PtEnhance really is a revolution in the fitness industry. With the features of ptEnhance I am now able to work with you as a client in ways that have not been available until now. Working with me and my ptEnhance systems will get you great results. As a ptEnhance premium member you will have your own secure page on my website. You will be able to make appointments with me, receive my regular newsletters, receive messages from me, ask me questions and send me replies. Exercise Programs that I write for you will be available for you to view complete with video clips and descriptions to view online, printable summaries that you can take into the gym, a place where you can record your workouts and view reports of your progress. For a very affordable cost I can add the ptEnhance features to any of my packages and take your results to another level.

Introducing ptEnhance!

ptEnhance personal training is the fastest and most effective way of achieving your fitness aims!

Our sessions together will be focused, and keep you highly motivated to get great results! I will write you a comprehensive exercise program customised to your needs and abilities.

You will have access to video clips of your exercises, graphs of your results and helpful tips & reminders to keep you on track as part of my ptEnhance personal training service.

Would you like to have your personal trainer be there for you 24/7? Maybe not, but you can certainly have the benefit of my knowledge and support any time of the day, when you sign up for a premium subscription to ptEnhance.

For a very affordable cost I will set you up with your own secure page on my website where you can view your programme or print summaries to take with you to the gym.

You and I can both view your training history, monitor your progress and keep you moving along the path to optimum health and fitness.

Contact me to learn more about ptEnhance